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Adapting and modernizing data is crucial to business success in today's digital age. Modernizing data involves updating legacy systems to modern architectures and...
The importance of data compliance and privacy cannot be overstated. Data has become an essential part of our lives, while becoming increasingly vulnerable...
The term data analytics broadly refers to the science of studying primary data to draw insights into it. A variety of methodologies are...
Data is an ecosystem of its own. Analysts drive the ecosystem by arranging complex bits of information into workable insights which can then...
As research constitutes the progress of science, impact assessment of research publications has been an area of interest for a long time. The...
Constantly evolving end-user expectations have made it imperative for academic publishers to re-look at their content strategy. Today, big data plays a significant...
Until recently, it was a herculean task for publishers to predict which books would actually make it to the readers’ choice in the...
Reading has largely been a private affair, but with the advent of digital books there has been a paradigm shift in reading habits...