How Emerging Technologies and Personalized Learning Improve Employee Training


The entire training space is being revolutionized by emerging technologies that are making it increasingly easy for corporates to provide an enjoyable training experience for their employees. Most emerging technology is focused on making training as personal an experience as possible, to assist in maximum knowledge spread and retention. Personalized learning is a technique in which the training content is delivered to the learner in a manner that is personal and unique to their learning pattern. It is a way of drawing the learner to the content instead of pushing the content towards them. Personalized learning can be extremely beneficial for organizations as it has several advantages, a few of which are illustrated below.


In this training approach, the learner is required to set their own training goals. It allows the employee to make their training plan that is in perfect alignment with their interests, passions and long-term growth. In addition to this, it also provides the employee the opportunity to do a self-assessment to determine, by themselves, the weak areas that they may need training in. Once the employee sets these goals, it is the organization’s responsibility to monitor and track the progress of the employee and provide any assistance required in reaching their goals. This works well for both parties, as it gives the employee the freedom to chart their training path, thereby keeping them satisfied, and it reduces the effort and saves resources that the organization would otherwise have to expend in training them.


This approach provides space for application-based learning wherein, the employee determines their area of training and can make use of the simulated projects. It is one of the most important components of personalized learning. There is no better way to learn than to learn by doing. Simulations, case studies, and critical thinking examples can help the employees practice their skills in a safe environment devoid of pressure. Employees will remain interested and passionate in their learning journey as they see their training transform into a positive worthwhile impact while working on their projects.


Personalized learning allows the learner to take control of their learning, but it also enables the employer to continuously track the employee’s progress so that they can step in when the employee requires assistance. This is a way of continuous critical evaluation that does not interfere with the employees’ learning trajectory but instead assists and encourages them. It is also a way for the organization to ensure that the training provided is in line with the company’s objectives and goals. Ultimately, the information that employees learn and the skills that they hone must help the organization achieve its goals, and continuous performance evaluation helps in doing just that.


The flexible nature of this method of learning helps increase the retention levels and productivity of the employees. People thrive under the advantage of flexibility as it gives them the breathing space to maintain a pace that enables maximum knowledge intake. There is no need to hurry up and catch up to the speed of others. The experience is wholly personal and specific to the employee while still helping the organization encourage quality work from them. It is the element of flexibility and ownership that makes personalized learning so wildly successful as a learning technique. The above illustrated benefits are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to listing advantages of personalized learning. Most emerging technology and existing eLearning technology allow for customization. Organizations looking for novel training solutions can really choose their software in a manner that is most beneficial for themselves as well as the employees. The employee training experience, for both parties, has changed so much and personalized learning will continue to evolve and ensure the best results for all.